In order to further improve our aid projects and together alleviate the plight of the people in Ethiopia, we rely on your support. Whether monetary or in-kind donations – we are grateful for any help.
True to the motto “The recipients receive full hands and the givers full hearts”, you can make the lives of many people a little better through your contribution and contribute to a fairer world. The more committed helpers are to the cause of our association, the more effectively we can provide medical care for many small and large patients at Yirgalem General Hospital.
Therefore: Help us by making a donation, becoming a sustaining member or actively supporting us on site in the area of
Cologne/Bonn/Leverkusen. Our circle of friends and staff meets regularly to exchange ideas. If you would like to attend, we will be happy to let you know the next date. Just send us a short message.
We organise three events a year to present our association, recruit members, generate donations and report on our project work with the help of photos and video clips.
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